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Yerebatan Sarayi

Fuhhh. before this I have never heard of such thing.
What's worst I never heard of a cistern before. In BM however, I know what that is. LOL but not as in ancient or old underground cistern k.
Silly me for not adding my general knowledge.
So lot of thanks to the Inferno book, my on and off diligence trait and mostly thanks to my curiosity trait. HA HA!
Okay, cistern, based on wikipedia :
cistern (Middle English cisterne, from Latin cisterna, from cista, "box", from Greek κίστη kistê, "basket") is a waterproof receptacle for holding liquids, usually water.Cisterns are often built to catch and store rainwater.Cisterns are distinguished from wells by their waterproof linings.  
However, , if you have slight doubt on wikipedia, there's always other option.
an underground container that is used for collecting and storing rainwater.

I'll also give you the DBP's definition of cistern in BM

cisternn tangki.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan 

Now that I know what cistern is, it's time to see which cistern I've encountered into.


A lil glimpse of yerebatan sarayi 
as you can see, copyright on the picture aite :) lol I haven't been there, if I did, I'll take pictures and do that also. 

Medusa's Head

Hah. You can see the rest on this website.

it even have awesome video! n those pictures are from the web. Give some credits to the web owner aite. copyright. hehe.. n btw, I don't really understand what does the website said but I saw pictures and a video of peoples speaking in English, so that's cool with me. :)

there's a documentary about the cistern. go find it. AND

Enjoy :)


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